Credit: Jason Hawkes Photography

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Medea at Midnight

                            Photo by Allan Titmuss

With every passing year it seems, changes abound more abunduntly and more rapidly. To grab our attention, things apparently need to be bigger, better, newer, different, more outrageous, more involving. .

However, it is a rare occasion that something both pushes the envelope and entices in equal measure. With the advent of partipatory, promenade theatre there have been ever more daring performances, ever increasing boldness of location and new levels of audience interaction.

Taking all this to seemingly new heights is a production in association with LIFT and The Arcola Theatre. Hotel Medea, having been put on by The Arcola last year and currently on tour in Brazil, will be returning as a site-specific performance.

Leaving by boat from the QEII pier, near the living embodiment of human horror that is the O2, the journey will begin at midnight and go through the night until 5:30am, meanwhile, the full force of the melodrama of Hotel Medea will be scored live by DJ Delores as the marathon story unfolds around London.

This is going to be intense, powerful and, undoubtedly, a unique way to experience theatre.

I'm just buying my tickets now and I wouldn't want to have to try and put the experience into words for you...


gojfish said...

cheers for the heads up adam, sounds great

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