Credit: Jason Hawkes Photography

Monday, 15 February 2010

Ecstatic! Hexstatic!

Another gig to look out for shows one of my favourite live acts around today. Hexstatic shows are incredible not just for the constantly innovative and, well, downright whoopee music but also for the awe-inspiring visuals that they create on stage.

Mixing film and images live while they mix tunes make them the best mixing combo this side of Kenwood.

To mark the release of their new album, Trailer Trax, the duo will be playing a special live show at Cargo on the 13th May.

Be absolutely blown off your dancing feet for less than a tenner.

The Tennessee Three

The term Leg End is thrown around these days as though it were a yo-yo given to an ambitious and tenacious child attempting to learn 'Around The World'.

Fortunately, we'd be on safe ground were we to apply the term to The Man In Black. No, not Will Smith or, indeed, Tommy Lee Jones. I'm talking Cash. Johnny Cash.

The one and only band he worked with throughout his entire career, the lesser-known but still celebrated Tennessee Three are playing a rare, rare gig in the UK, in London, on the 22nd May.

If you want some music with a lot of history and no little soul, then come feed with me.

East Innit Blud

Having made a brief allusion to this in a previous post I thought I'd fully big this up now that more details have been released about it. Drum roll please....................The East Festival!

This is a six-day event that celebrates, promotes and educates about the creative, multi-cultural, diverse jumble that is East London.

There are 4 main themes across the 6 days which are the Asian Sub-Continent, Travel, Architecture and Minimalism. Hmm, so covering random bases there but some of the events planned across venues including The Barbican, The Rich Mix Gallery, The Whitechapel Gallery and The Bethnal Green Working Men's Club look frickin' awesome and are, invariably, FREE.

And all on many of our doorsteps. By which I obviously mean, my doorstep.


Praying At The Altar of Free

One of London's most beautiful venues, The Union Chapel has been back up and running with renewed vim and vigour, following a temporary hiatus a little while back.

To celebrate this and to open up the space to a whole new audience, they are running free daytime gigs every Saturday, called Daylight Music.

The next instalment of this amazing opportunity sees three exciting new bands to go check out, Gilded Palace of Sin, The Doomed Bird of Providence and City Reverb.

All a bit of a mouthful but hopefully a bit of a handful as well.

The Dawn Chorus part II

The excellently monikered Theo Bard's evening of folk, food and fuel for the soul returns on the 25th February to Passing Clouds.

The Dawn Chorus should be another complete array of good music and good people and what better surroundings could there be for a thursday evening?

Grab the hot toddy while you can...